Facebook streamPublish cross-scripting error on IE8

9:58 PM 1 Comments

For the past week I’ve worked on a big internet campaign that included an website where the users could connect to facebook using facebook connect and publish content from the site to their profile wall.
When I tried to publish the post on facebook I encountered an error I haven’t seen before and this error occurred only in Internet Explorer 8 , non of the other browsers (chrome, ff etc) produced this error  and the content didn’t appear in the publish box.
The was the error:
“ Internet explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting “


After googeling didn’t give me the answer I tried to modify the content I pass facebook on the FB.Connect.streamPublish function and I discovered that the parameter of the user_text has a limitation of 95 non English characters (my text was in Hebrew) cutting the text to less then the limitation fixed the issue!

Hope this helps,

Netanel Lev

1 comment:

  1. Hi Netanel,

    After many frustrating hours, I was finally able to construct a combination that Facebook would accept: I left the message field blank and added an attachment with a picture, link, and caption. That did the trick.

